11 Nov 2011

The Beginning of The End: 2012


I can't remember what year was it when either one of my friends or one of my siblings relayed what the priest said in the mass. I swear that was the first time I guess that I so badly wanted to go to a Catholic mass! The priest talked about the 2012 Doomsday which surprised and amused me at the same time. I was like where the hell did he get that! But then later on I saw this History Channel documentary about 2012, the Mayan calendar, Nostradamus and all the other popular blah ingredients.Ohhhhh so that was it, then put into oblivion the whole kibosh.
Just today at lunch with all the random stuff that comes up into my family's conversation slash gossip slash comedy show, we had a momentary mention of the 2012 theory. It got me asking who started it, the 2012 prediction anyway. We laughed and get on our overly adulterated after lunch chitchat. And so yeah after we ran out of topic and mostly because everyone's gone out to their own business--to work, to school, to siesta--I'm here, researching. Well haha researching sounds grand but whatever, I was surfing the net for whoever or however the rumour started. It was hard at first finding only debates from its believers and non-believers, of people too disturbed to have it called a theory 'cause it's science, etc.
Anyway, I got to the bottom of it and for the benefit of the people who might be asking the same question as I had a lunch ago, LOL, here's what I've found:
A man named Michael Coe, an American archaeologistanthropologistepigrapher and author with his specialties on Mayan civilization published this books The Maya on 1966 and Breaking the Mayan Code on 1992. So there starts the 2012 apocalypse speculation. And then there's this woman Nancy Leider. No they don't know each other or anything. It's just that they both contributed to the popular prophecy. This woman others claim was a scientist but then again on her Wikipedia page and other sites, it says she isn't. She's just one person who claims to have contacts with extraterrestrial beings and simply that a Planet X or Nibiru is going to collide with earth. She has this website ZetaTalk and that's where she poured all the bizarre contents of her mind like it's you know normal and true. Anyway, that's mostly that. Added the conpircay theories that NASA's covering up the evidences and all and with 2012 being so near, poof! It became a very popular theory. And more often than not, popular stuffs are mistaken as truth. wink wink

8 Nov 2011

The Best Things in Life

It's raining. Yeah so hard that I could barely hear the TV and even in its fullest volume, the rain just conquers my attention. I'm too distracted of the prettier music the rain plays. Lying on my bed across all the opened windows, I was in a theatre of full green beauty and cascade of cool crystals. I just stare there until I catch myself smiling and sometimes giggling when all the beautiful moments of my life come flashing in my head. I was like oh crap that really happened? Some happy things in life happen so spontaneously that you have no room to analyse it at the moment and you just let it flow. Only after that would you realise that holy shit that was...ugh! And then you laugh. Sometimes we're so lucky to be aware that one of the greatest episodes of our life is currently unfolding wherein time doesn't seem to matter and the whole world blurs that only you and the person/s you're sharing the moment with are in focus. I didn't believe that before--of the world stopping and revolving around you--but what the heck I realised it's true. It's like time really slows down for you. But then in a blink of an eye...it's...wait, over?! Yeah I figured out while remembering all the best things that ever happened to me so far, no matter how abrupt or slow they were, they're just suddenly over and happiness becomes nothing but a memory again. But what the heck, I don't care if we cannot linger in such state too long, at least you have nice ones to think of and more happy ones to make for future reminiscing. Hahaha

4 Nov 2011

Face Without Eyes

November 1st. It was dark and raining. Around 9pm, I took a seat on the porch and rubbed Zeph's belly with my right foot. As I stared past the gate to the road, I noticed something weird. I walked away from my chair and Zeph followed me down to the gate. Ohhh that was it. Nearly all the neighbourhood houses were dim and quiet--empty. Everyone was out. Everyone was celebrating the first of November in the cemeteries. It was not even All Souls Day until the next day. But that was the culture, that was the norm. 

   I am not questioning Filipino's religiosity in following traditions but the capability of reasonable obedience. I know it makes sense that families would go out on holidays because it's one of the rare days they could get together since everyone has work, school or something. And so with non-working, non-school holidays, families and friends grab the opportunity. But..haha the people I know who are with their family like 25 hours a day in 8 days a week, like my neighbours, it's just funny. No I haven't mentioned the funny and at the same time sad part yet. The truth is, on that  recent holiday, it was raining and the cemeteries were practically flooded--corpses and water combine! Oh what a great fiesta of bacteria! I mean, people don't have to go visit the dead on times so threatening to their own lives. They just don't go to the land of the dead because that's what people had been doing for so many years. I mean, they can excuse themselves. Well I know you could say that it's none of my business that my neighbours went anyway to the cemetery though it's so unsanitary and though everyday's a holiday in their homes but my point goes beyond that. They're just somekind of a fable though their not animals, they're a parable or something. For it isn't only the moment that man follows something so unreasonably. The "my father was and so I'll be" thing. We have brains, we should use it. We have to think if what we're believing and doing is still practical and true. We have eyes so we could test it's truthfulness and all the other senses. We couldn't just rely on feelings 'cause what you feel is a nice tickle of a feather could actually be the lion's tail on it's way to killing you. Unless you turn to look what's there, you'll never know until you die. 

31 Oct 2011



One thing I'm sure of is that when someone--anyone regardless of his age, economic and social status--asks me the same question over and over again for god knows how many billion times in the world, I'd get extremely cranky. I would not give a crap of who he is. And while I can still contain myself, I'd distance but if the moron would, for a number beyond Einstein could identify, repeat the question or whatever form of speech is that he's using, I'd tell him in the face to shut the F up! It is annoying when people rehearse their thoughts out loud most especially out loud to you! Damn we know they're just thinking and it's themselves they're trying to convince of what they're talking or asking about but they just darn fail to put into consideration how much it bugs the hell out of us!
       I hate feeling angry that's why sometimes I remind someone outright when they begin telling me something they already did or if I've overheard them tell someone else about it. I'd feel somewhat terrible after extinguishing the fiery excitement of the story teller but heck I can't forever do fake nods and fake surprises. 'Cause if I can and if I enjoy doing so, then I should have worked my way to being a Hollywood star for a long time now. Anyway, my point is, there isn't one person in my entire short life that doesn't irritate me or depress me. And each time I feel sad and annoyed, there's this golden-coated, pink nosed creature who just softens me. Trust me, I've tried drinking it off with nice cups of brown coffee or devour some chocolates to death or shove my favourite potato chips into my mouth but alas the coffee would just make my stomach bloat, the chocolate would trigger rhinitis, and the sharp edges of the chips would bruise the soft upper palette of my mouth. But this, the sight of Zeph, his extraordinarily cute face and his eyes which seem to empathize with me just makes me smile and speak a word again. I'd call him and he'd approach me, bend his front legs into a bow while howling. Whether I'd rub his body with my feet or my hands, his soft coat and warm body just melts my temper down.

      And yeah, he's by my feet now resting, he had just consoled me from my cranky evening. :)

8 Sept 2011

Panaghigugmaay ni Dodong ug Inday

 "Inday!" Daghan and nagpangalan ug Inday; naa pu'y mga gipang-anggaan ug Inday, naa sa'y mga bayot nga magtawganay ug Inday, apan kadtong tingoga, kahibaw siya nga siya ang gipasabot. Sa gawas nga ilado kaniya ang tingog sa maong nagsiyagit nga tao, siya raman sad pud usa ang naa didto sa may kasagbutan nagtindog.
     Mitalikod siya sa gilantaw niyang padong mosawp nga adlaw ug gilingi ang lalaking gadagan padulong niya. Nibulhot ang hangin ug gitayhop paluyo ang iyang itom ug taas nga buhok. Astan ang iyang penk nga duster milihok-lihok ug nilakra iyang dughan. Naklaro niya ang dagko, tupong ug puti nga ngisi sa lalaki. Gumikan kay layo layo pa man kini ug medyo itomon, ang tam-is niini nga pahiyom mao ra ang iyang makita. Ug sa diha pa lang daan nailhan na ni Inday kung si kinsa kini. "Dodong?" sangpit pa niya.
      Nipaspas ang iyang kasingkasing ug di niya mapugngan nga makahinumdom sa mga nahitabo nila sa una. Nibalik ang iyang alimpatakan sa kadtong panahon nga nagbuwag silang Dodong. Mga katorse to ilang idad, naghigda to sa lantay si Dodong, gihuwaphuwap iyang agtang ni Inday samtang gikumot ang iyang nanggahing lawas. "Taas jud kaayo imong hilanat Dong," hilak ni Inday. Tuod, hapit na jud magkumbulsyon si Dodong.            "Pero ayawg kabalaka, di tika byaan Dong," dungan pisil ni Inday sa bukton ni Dodong.  
    "Biya-e lagi ko! Ngano man diay, mamaayo ko kung mag-atang ka?" kinasuko ug kutas nga sulti ni Dodong.
      "Sakita sad nimo manulti Dong oi! Nabalaka lang ko nimo!"
      "Na! Kadtong kanding nimong nag-mehehe ang kabalak-i ai! Hapon na kaayo wa pa nimo hiposa!"
Nitulo ang luha ni Inday, mi-atras siya ug pila ka lakang samtang nagtabon sa iyang baba. Di siya katoo nga sama sa yinatakan sa kabaw kasakit manulti ni Dodong. Nidagan siya pagawas sa payag nilang Dodong nagdanguyngoy.
      Naduol-duol na ang tao nga nilabang sa kahumayan padong kaniya apan nahunong kini kadiyot kay naay mga bata nga nagtambling tambling sa mga uhot. Maikog man pud  siya mobadlong sa mga bata kay sikat na raba to sila nga mga dansir. Nindot pa jud silag mga sapatos, terno, gikan sa ilang sponsor. Napalpak man ang tambling sa usa ka bata, naparok ug ni-ago sa kasakit, mao tong nakapadayon ug lakaw si Dodong. Sa may unahan na hunong na pud siyag kadiyot sa dihang nikalit lang ug barog ang kabaw sa daplin. Gamay na lang jud ang kuwang ug naabot na siya sa bahirig nga lubi nga gisandig-sandigan ni Inday.
     Ningisi siya ug samot nga nilusot gud ang mga dagko niyang ngipon sa tubangan nga way kalainan sa simod sa kabayo, migagmay iyang mga mata, nilapad iyang ilong ug nabingat iyang mga aping. Ug sa dihang gisagpa lang siyag kalit ni Inday.
     "Aguy!" pong pa ni Dodong. Napapas ang malipayon niyang panagway. "Kung makasagpa ka Inday, mura man kag nag-palu-palu sa duster sa imong nanay nga tambok!"
       "Mura ka'g iring Dodong." Sumpay dayon ni Inday. "Magpa-cute2x ka unya diay mangawras ka!" Dayon talikod niya. Mi-atubang siya pagbalik sa ni-sawp nga adlaw ug samot gibati ug kaguol, pun-an pa sa kusog nga sounds sa radio sa ilang silingan, nitulo jud ang luha ni Inday. 
       "Inday" kinaluoy nga tawag ni Dodong. "Atubanga ko, Please."
       "No way!" minaldita niyang tubag.
      "Ayeeeeeeee, kahibaw nako oi!" Sungog ni Dodong. "Magpagakos ka gikan sa luyo noh? Pina-Titanic?" Mipaduol siya kang Inday.
      "Boang k-----" wa makatiwas ug sulti si Inday kay gidritso-an man siyag halok ni Dodong paglingi niya. Miatubang na lang siya ug tarong ug gigakos si Dodong. Gihinolhinol niya ang ulo ni Dodong, ug tuod nahikapan niya ang pahak niini ug samot nga gihatag iyang kaugalingon ngadto kang Dodong, kay mao jud to iyang una nga uyab, di siya masayop kay pahak.
      "Imo jud diay nadawat akong gipahatag nimo Day."
       "Gihatag?" nahibong siya.
       "Oo, kadtong hipon ba. Diba namunga naman inyong mangga, nahunahuna nako na ganahan ka isuwa tog hipon. Mao gipada nako sa imong ig-agaw."
       "Ha? Hipon? Ig-agaw?"
      "Ayaw na lang gud pag goryo-goryo Inday. Nabati man gani nako ang hipon paghalok nako nimo. Oh! Masimhot gani nako sa imong ginhawa!"
      "Boang ka! Wa koy nadawat nga hipon oi! Di sad ko mokaon ana! Ewwwwnesss!" Dayong lingi ni Inday sa nag-ungdo niyang suka sa unahan dapit. Nakita sad kadto ni Dodong ug kadigwaon naghunahuna.
Gihikap ni Dodong ang tiyan ni Inday. "Mabdos ka?"
      Milingo-lingo si Inday. "Busog man gud kaayo ko sa saging ug ginamos ganiha."

      "Aw." Hinay nga tubag ni Dodong ug ni-aksyon paglingkod sa yuta.
      "Ayaw diha Dodong!' Badlong ni Inday. Milukso ug dali si Dodong. "Naa to'y tai sa iro diha ganiha. Hapit sad gani nako matumbi." Nikatawa si Inday.

     "Ayeee! Bisan hapit jud niya malingkuri," sungog ni Dodong ug gituslok sa iyang tudlo ang kilid ni Inday. 
     "Ikaw nuon!' Baws ni Inday ug gituslok pud ang kilid ni Dodong.
Gipapha ni Dodong ang mga tai sa kanding ug didto sila molingkod nagsandigsandig sa lubi. "Gimingaw baya ko nimo Inday."
    "Ako sad Dong. Ikaw man gud." Gikumot unta niya ang aping ni Dodong apan lisod man kaayo kay sobra ra kaniwang ang nawng niya. Iya na lang kining gipikpik ug nihigda dayon siya sa abaga ni Dodong.
       "Nakaila lagi dayon ka nako Day bisan layo pa kaayo ko," hinumdom ni Dodong.
       "Lagi. Itom man gud kaayo ka nya lutaw kaayo imong ngipon."
       "Ah, laina sad nimo Day. Pareha raman ta ka-itoma." 
Gibangon ni Inday iyang ulo ug gihapak ang bukton ni Dodong. "Pataka man lang ka oi! Mas itom ka!"
      "Pareha ra lagi, awa gud." Gitapad ni Dodong iyang kamot sa kamot ni Inday apan nakita niya nga suko na kaayog nawng si Inday. "Ay sige gud." Sulti ni Dodong. "Itom ko, brown ka." Nihigda pagbalik si Inday sa abaga ni Dodong. "Pero wa jud ka magtoo Day nga lain kong tao? Daghan baya tang kaila nga mga itomon."
     "Daghan gud?" Tubag ni Inday. Nahadlok si Dodong nga nasuko na pud si Inday. "Di daghan oi, tanan! Pero dah oi! Lahi ra ka nila. Kay puti man jud imong ngipon, yilo man to ilaha."
       "Nya abi'g puti ug ngipon ako na diay?"
       "Ay o oi! Ikaw ra may kaila nakong kusog manutbrash."
      "Murag kinasuko man na imong mga tubag day oi. Ignan bitaw tika nga sunod padag package sa akong tiya, tagaan tikag toothpaste."
      "Di lagi ko."
      "Ayaw lag kauwaw gud."
      "Boang, di lagi ko kay hang!"
      "Ikaw gud."
Nitindog ug kalit si Inday. "hoy, taymsa Dong!" Nanighawak jud siya nga nag atubang ni Dodong. "Buwag naman ta. Nganong nagtapadtapad man ka nako?!"
       "Ha? Buwag na diay ta?"
     "Hagbay ra! Nalimot na lang kang imo kong gipalayas sa inyo? Kadtong gi-hangga ka? May kay na maayo pa ka noh?"
      "Lingkod ra dirig balik!" Gibitad ni Dodong si Inday ug hapit kini makahikap sa tai sa iro pagkatumba niya.
       "Boang ka! Boang ka!" Gihapakhapak ni Inday si Dodong. "Dugay na tikang gikalimtan! Nilabay na atong panahon! Humana ta! Dugay na!"
       "Dugay nang tulo ka adlaw nimo?" Tubag ni Dodong. "OA ra sad ka Inday. Pag usang adlaw ra gani tong gihilantan ko mura namag lima ka tuig nimo! Nakasulti man kog bati pasaylo-a ko!"
      "Sakit kaayo ka manulti Dong oi! Sakit kaayo! Naghunahuna lang ko nimo sama sa hinayhay kung kauwanon!"
        "Day. Di man gud ka mohawa adto. Hadlok lang ko nga matakdan ka sa akong hangga!"
        "Ngano man diay'g matakdan ko. Sa kasakit ug kalipay Dng, mag-unong tang duha!"
        "Di man gud Day. Kuan man gud."

        "Unsa! Sultie ko!"
         "Ay wa oi. Kalimti lang to."

         "Unsa lagi!" Pugos jud ni Inday. "Lab ko nimo?"
          Naigking si Dodong ug miduko. "Ha? Aw. Oo. Lab tika."
          "Binoang! Napugos raman ka adto Dong! Unsay tinuod nga rason ba!"
         "Ganahan jud ka makahibaw ha? Ganahan jud ka?" Nitaas na pud ang tingog ni Dodong.
         "Di ko bungol ayawg syagit, boang!"
        "Bati kag nawng!" Singgit ni Dodong. "Mao nay tinuod. Daghan kag bugas sa nawng nya kung matakdan pakag hangga samot!" Nangandam si Dodong sa kasuko ni Inday. Apan ningisi raman kini. Gihikap ni Inday ang nag-gansalgansal nga nawng ni Dodong tungod sa hangga ug bunga'g singot. Gibag-ig ni Inday ang iyang ilong sa ilong pud ni Dodong, apan puros kini mugbo hinungdan nga ilang mga simod hinuon ang nagkabangga.

 "Dali Day," gipikpik ni Dodong ang iyang paa ug milihok si Inday ug niposisyon sa paghigda sa mga paa ni Dodong. Gisudlay-sudlay ni Dodong ang mga buhok ni Inday gamit iyang kamot ug gipahimuslan ang nahabiling kahayag sa adlaw aron sa pagpahingoto ni Inday.

3 Sept 2011


     The lights were off. Two hours to midnight. I had the covers on me and the headset plugged to my ears. I can't even remember what song was playing. All I know is that I jumped out of bed, turned the lights back on and came here to my desk...all because of LOVE. (And god what is that sour smell! I took a shower before I came to bed for heaven's sake!)

      The truth is, I experienced two loves today or reached a conclusion about it or whatever. Anyway, I really really used to look forward to read The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I got intrigued by it because it is among the list of most "controversial" books in many  websites I've checked out to. Wait, where's the love in that? Alright let me rephrase: I loved to read Salinger's Catcher in the Rye. That's it and boy, it's a godddam depressing book that'd make you puke and all for Chrissake! Haha.That's how the book was written, I mean the language used there. You'd lost count of the "boy", "and all", "depressed", "puke" and "chrissake". It's really really annoying. The character Holden Caulfield was always depressed of almost everything and everyone around him which left me so depressed reading such a folking book. I could relate to him sometimes like about his partially liking and partially disliking people and being so annoyed of them but missing them sometimes anyway and of the world being full of phonies. It took me 23 chapters too late to realise that the bastard's tale was going nowhere. It's full of blahs. Anyone can write something like that. It's like a stupid miserable diary of a stupid miserable person. Anyway I skipped to the last chapter which is the 26th, which means I haven't salvaged myself much from reading such a goddam book. And there! Ugh! None of the preceding chapters contributed to the gravity (if it has) of the ending. I mean you could just read the first chapter and skip all the folking 24 chapters and go right on to the final one. Or don't read it at all! Learn from my mistake. LOL. Oh wait. Where's the love in that that inspired me to entitle this post with the same word? I've got one word for you. LMAO. LOL. ROFL. Wait that's three. Anyway.

       I was depressed and all of the book's ending not because it was tragic but because it sucked! Big time! Anyway, I tossed the book to the lower part of my bed so that I could unconsciously kick it, bruise it and kill it in my sleep. And whoa! With the special effects of a big deep voice like God's in old testament film, my bro called me from his room that a mutual friend of ours sent something for me. In slow motion my door opened and my brother was in a long white robe and he was kind of floating and glowing and he's got this yellow halo over his head. Behold and lo! He handed to me this crumpled white plastic bag which obviously ruined my grand imagination. But when I opened it tada! It was too bright that I could hardly see. I was going blind I thought. Hahahaha. Seriously, there was this neon green post-it-note on top the peanut kisses plastic container. I got on my knees and wept like a baby, raised my arms and worshipped the food. Hahahaha. Anyways, it was quite a twist in my day. I was out the whole day blah blah, tired and depressed of the darn book. I was in bed so early hurrying up for what might be a good day the next day. But there! Surprise, surprise. Oh! I am to write about love. So yeah. This is one of the things that I love-- surprises (except surprise home visits, it hell annoys me). So there, because of my friend's surprise gift, I can't sleep now because that was just sweet, literally the food, not the act. It boosted my energy hence I can't fall asleep. But I'm not mad, in fact I'm formulating in my mind how to revenge that person, I mean how to return the kindness.
     Oh love! Hahaha. Were you expecting to read a different kind of love? Because you love love? Well sorry if I've disappointed you like how Salinger disappointed me. But who knows, you might suddenly receive a gift today and then you'll get so inspired to talk about love. Hell yeah! LOL.

22 Aug 2011

Mideo Cruz VS The Church

There were other two, the crucifix with a condom and the one with the wooden replica of the male genital in front Jesus' face but haha yeah I saw it but I'm not putting it up here since yeah honestly it kind of grossed me out seeing the gigantic sausage springing out some image.

I was torn between siding the artists or siding the Church. The thing in question here is the Freedom of Expression. Upon remembering that we are indeed free of expressing ourselves I think maybe even the art contains offensive matters to some people yet we have to let it be. It's what he thinks (Cruz) and it's how he perceives it. He won't sue us, would he, if we had a different idea of Jesus. No he didn't. Well to make things clearer I looked up my 1987 Philippine Constitution book and reviewed Article III about the Bill of Rights.

Art III, sec.4
"...as long as it does not violate the law, or injure someone's character, reputation or business."
Cruz's dead! I thought. Although his art violated no law but it has probably injured someone's character or reputation. Or did it.
"And unless individuals are at liberty to discuss the various issues that confront the community, the government, and the whole web of social relationships, the search for truth and perfection is impeded." Not because Christianity is the most popular religion in the Philippines, doesn't mean it is the truth. It takes a first courageous person to revolutionise the kind of art that very few or none at all attempts to do. His truth is just different from someone else's truth, and who knows, might be the real truth that Jesus is a dick or that Jesus's as funny as Mickey Mouse or as cute. Plus, "if man is not free to communicate his ideas to others, not only is his own moral and intellectual development stifled but his fellowmen are deprived of the benefit and stimulation which he might impart to them." Isn't that clear enough? "Without the right, the full and proper growth of the individual, nay, the nation is invariably stunted."

Art. III, sec.5
Meaning of Religious Freedom
"...Religious freedom is the right of a man to worship God, and to entertain such religious views as appeal to his individual conscience, without dictation or interference by any person or power, civil or ecclesiastical." And so, putting that's how Mideo sees his God, we have no right to tell him he's wrong. It's how he sees Him as appeal to his...conscience. We can't force him to deny or be sorry about it because we cannot dictate or interfere with his way of seeing it. "Everyone has absolute right to believe whatever he wishes." And in Cruz's state, he's free to believe in a Mickey Mouse God.

I do not deny that as wont as I am to how religious icons appear specifically Jesus, I was taken aback and somewhat see Mideo Cruz's artworks offensive but then again, I am only up to feeling bad about it. I cannot condemn the artist and force him to be sorry about it and make him so mournful of how awful his arts appear to others. It's his opinion, it's what's going on in his mind. We cannot sue someone for the contents of his skull. Legally, he is entitled to show such art of his. And art, oh art, is immeasurable. And so I disagree with the other leading artists calling Mideo immature. Because for me he is not. His art is just extremely original and conforms to no cliché. Well, as far as I know, this seems to be the first art to cross the religious norms of our country, so yeah, this might somewhat be a form of revolution, and the next time, other artists can be as genuinely free to how they really view things and how they really feel about it without being restrained of the country's leading faith. And plus, plus, plus...If Christians have their clear view of how God really looks like, they won't just be that affected with one man's picture of it. If they have their firm faith, they won't be shaken with it and then turn out to be more evil with their threats. Anyway, they have their own freedom to express their hate. LOL. But my point is, no one's going to prison and no one's gonna wear a scarlet letter.

We may hate the art, but not the artist. 

13 Aug 2011

Reminiscence: A Sonnet

(Attributed to Rizza Jane Abayabay)

The moat was high and the strong gates were locked
But one night a friend crossed the high fortress--
Wandered the past's mem'ries of white and black
Reviving the feelings long time suppressed.
The antiquated corners of my mind
She revisited and brought back to life--
Replayed fairy tale she used to be blind,
To know the story, she waited in strife.
Staled scenes of me and the boy she un-paused,
Put back colours to the faded moments...
I'm heck of a lucky girl she supposed
Then an influx of more and more comments.
We both giggled at the story of us
 But this is just a flashback, love has passed.

22 Jun 2011

Do Not Fight For Peace

Very very very very long before our great great grandparents were even born, people had been fighting for world peace. They fight for Human Rights and Animal Rights until today's Gay Rights. These fighters are so firm and passionate of their stand that they shout to the world how wrong the others are for not accepting what they believe is right.

Yet peace doesn't seem achievable. Peace costs war. When Muslims and Christians in Mindanao respectively believe that the banishment of the other would result into peace, violence occurs. When America gets rid of the terrorists for peace, war is the means.
One cannot say that his stand is the most right, for while you fight against discrimination, you discriminate also the racists. When you fight for animal rights, you take away those ladies in fur coats' human rights when you humiliate them and call them names. When you accuse gays of being evil, see who's got demonic actions inhumanly hurting feelings.
And when Philippines fought for freedom and independence our government becomes a great cosplay where we play pretend that we've got system when the reality's all behind the stage curtain. Fighting's ineffectve. It's just noise, which while we're busy making of, some people take advantage in quietude. If no people give so much fuzz and rally about animals, animal skin won't be that exciting to wear. If it's not that dangerous and rare to produce, it would cease to be an exclusive apparel thus won't be pricey which the celebs won't care to purchase anymore.
If you desire homosexuality to be acceptable in the society, then don't show your angry gay faces and ready to rumble gay supporters. Show the world your true capability of blending in and functioning well and normally in the society, that you can do what you claim you can like getting married happily and raising amazing families. If independence is what you struggle for, present yourself responsible. You do not fight if peace is what you desire; you do not spite if discrimination is what you are against; you do not demean if respect is what you want to earn; you do not dictate if freedom is your dream, you do not hate if it's love you promote. You do not fight for peace, no, not at all.

10 Jun 2011

If Heaven and Hell...

If heaven and hell do exist, it's not a thing still to worry about. You see if good people go to heaven and the "bad" (LOL) goes to hell then it's fair enough. I mean if you like sex, beer, drugs and cigar (presume money doesn't exist in the afterlife) then you'd be happy to be with the kind of people alike you. If you'd be put to heaven, you'd be lonely in the company of people not your feather---asexuals, non drinkers, non smokers or anything saintlike. Either way, if saintly people would be put with the stereotyped villains, they'd be sad there as well. So if it isn't really your passion to do either good or evil things, then don't. Why work your way to a place you'd just be alienated? Anyway does it even exist? LOL. Call it death anxiety!

6 Jun 2011

Hitler X

I adore Hitler for his exceptional will power, clever strategies in turning the hearts of the german people towards him and his being unemotional. unlike, the majority of the world's population, i never condemned him for the holocaust. i agree that the aryan people are to some degree really beautiful with their golden curls and white skin and they evidently are intelligent e.g. einstein. I became a pro-Hitler since time immemorial (LOL)--never missing documentaries shown about him in either natgeo, dicovery or history channels. i do the nazi salute sometimes, read books about him and (forcefully) liked his paintings. such a fan i was that i "liked" a page of him in facebook and frequently visited it to post on its wall my admiration to the fuhrer. everyone there loved him Hitler.
one day i revisited the page to once again meet my co-pro-hitlers when i read posts by its admin about cleaning up the page from non-aryans. the admin with hitler's name and image commented on the doting posts of asians, hispanics, coloureds, and middle easterns to go away. i was no exception. I laughed at him and called him delusional for assuming to be hitler's reincarnation. the idea of resuming the non-aryan discrimination was sick! there i realised it doesn't feel good to be hated and discriminated. and i feel immensely sorry for such racism victims and to the people i have bullied out. I didn't have to leave the hostile page, it got terminated from facebook. i'm pro-hitler no more, neither i am anti. it's not good to hate right?

25 May 2011

To Kim

I found this poem (sent 3 years ago) in my inbox when I cleared it out this afternoon. I just hell don't remember who wrote this for me although of course there's the sender's email address but it doesn't ring a bell. So anyway, here it is before I click the delete button.

o love,o soul, o heart so dear
thy image like a haloo my heart around
so unfading an enchantment-ay-doth rear
humming like a bee with the mellowest sound

as a bee,after kissing flower to flower
stealing their richness and fragrance sweet
at close of day in her hive doth pour
very belike thy image my heart doth greet

let heart to heart-ay-do embrace
let soul to soul do fondly entwine
let eyes in the eyes do lovingly chace
sparkle love-flushed,infatuatening shine.

God bless you

Famous People Who Surprisingly Are Atheists

I know these people due to there awesomeness--talented, successful, freaking intelligent, etc, etc. Little did I know that they were in fact atheists. So who says only god-believers get blessed?


Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer best known for creating Facebook while he was a student at Harvard University. He was named Time magazine's Person of the Year. As of 2011, his personal wealth was estimated to be $13.5 billion. He was raised Jewish but describes himself an atheist.


Adam Whitney Savage is an American industrial design and special effects designer/fabricator, actor, educator, and co-host of the Discovery Channel television series MythBusters. He is also an atheist.


James Franklin Hyneman is an American special effects expert, best known for being the co-host of the television series MythBusters. He is also the owner of M5 Industries, the special effects workshop where MythBusters is filmed. He is known among Robot Wars devotees for his robot entry, Blendo, which, for a time, was deemed too dangerous for entry in the competition. He is one of the designers of the aerial robotic camera system Wavecam, used in sports and entertainment events. On May 16, 2010, he delivered the commencement address and received an honorary Doctorate of Engineering, from Villanova University. Hyneman identifies strongly with skeptics and atheists.


Kari Elizabeth Byron is a San Francisco-based television host and artist, best known for her featured role on the Discovery Channel show MythBusters. Byron says she's been an atheist since childhood.


Percy Bysshe Shelley was one of the major English Romantic poets and is critically regarded among the finest lyric poets in the English language. Shelley was famous for his association with John Keats and Lord Byron. The novelist Mary Shelley was his second wife. In 1811, Shelley published a pamphlet called The Necessity of Atheism.

24 May 2011


Find me a solitary place
In the midst of the desert
In an island
At the top of the mountain.

Come storm
Come ye darkest gloomiest clouds
Come rain, drizzle over me
Come fieriest winds, shake the trees!

Banish the sun;
Oh come ye beautiful moon!
And let your silvery moonlight
Shed light over my book.

Come violin, come the piano
Play the most heart-wrenching music!
By this foggy motionless lake,
Come solitude, embrace me!

Cheers to you my shadow!
Isn't this the happiest moment of our lives?
You and I alone together
Away from all absurdity and crowd.

Come let's sing silently
Up! Dance steadily!
Let's laugh out loud secretly,
Come let's sleep before we're awake!

[Originally Written: 31AUG'10]

The Rain's Lover

The orange wispy ballerina
Twirls 'round and 'round the air
Gracefully falling to the earth,
The others like arrows and spears
Swiftly and firmly hitting the ground;
Whatsoever the wind must've whispered?
That the trees laughed and giggled?

The sheeps concealed the glaring orange bulb,
The shadows flee away
And everything was equally dark.
The bandmen beat the drums
And a light ignited
And vanished just as fast as it came;
Then an angel got scared
And cried.

Oh how splendid the music the thunders play in my ears!
How magnificent the lightnings showcase!
How warm the coldness embraces me!
How gently the wind strokes my hair!
How softly the water cascades down my cheeks!
And how sweetly the rain kisses my parted lips!
Oh rain do not stop
Keep pouring and weeping!
Tha darker the world,
The brighter my heart would be;
The gloomier the day,
The gladder I'd be.

Yes people be scared and hide
That only I remain in this wonderland.
But if my friend,
You are the rain's lover too
Come, hold my hand!
Let's dance arms open and stamp our feet
Looking up the gray skies
And the black and white rainbow.
And when we're tired
Let's sit by this brown old tree
And watch our happy reflections,
If not on this pool,
Through our dark dilated eyes!

But rain,
Please stop not still,
If that's not too much to ask.
You are my lover,
Now, can I keep this friend?

23 May 2011

The Story We Co-authored

A poem for people who don't believe in love but somehow experiences it anyway. Ah for the scientists!

We were coauthors of this story
We wrote it in pencil, no ink us bind
We scribbled it in the rain, even in the depths of the forest and in the library
'Twas exceptional, 'twas one of a kind.

Now I'm crumpling these sheets, I'm throwing it away
Not due to a bad plot but this so called writer's block
For we jotted the ideas all in one day
Now we ran out of it, now we're stuck.

We don't know anyway what's the genre of this story
We don't even have a title for it
But sure there was a mixture of tragedy, adventure and comedy
And probably of love a bit.

Our readers are saddened
They miss the excitement of our tale
But really that's already the end
Although to put a decent one we fail.

Though ours was such a very short story
I say thanks to you
For 'twas one of the best I've written really
And 'twas fun working with you!

14 May 2011

Dorian Gray: The True Lesson

I have not read the book and so my comments refer to the latest Dorian Gray film of 2010.

Even at the beginning of the film, when Dorian wasn't that quite intoxicated with Lord Henry's ideologies yet, I've sensed the unusual closeness or rather strange interactions/gestures/smiles between Dorian and Basil. I am not suggesting that Dorian and Basil's characters were created gays but that their actions towards each other were presumed normal and I suspect that it was indeed normal for the author Oscar Wilde. It quite tickled me though because I have read in Martin Fido's Crime book, a compilation of crime news, that Wilde had been sued for sodomy. It tells me that Wilde's normal relationship of Basil and Dorian's reflects his sodomite subconscious especially when these two male characters made love.

Now to the gist of the film...I know we're ought to learn there that the love for pleasure or hedomic lifestyle is wrong, that it would get us into trouble. But you see, in fact, Dorian's hedonic life was fine. When did he get into trouble? When he committed himself to Sybil Vane. His casual affairs with women haha of all ages was okay. His mistake was when he went steady, got himself engaged with one woman, Vane. I am not talking philosophically here, but for real. Because of his fiancée Sybil who cannot accept their differences and so took her life away, her brother Jim Vane was on to taking Dorian's life away! He want away for some time and came back and fell in love with Lord Henry's daughter. Now because of his un-hedonic falling in love to someone's daughter, made the father on to murdering him also. So when did he get into trouble? LOL

3 May 2011

Ang Singsing

Ang Singsing
(I wrote a sad love story when I was in high school. It was in English originally but I revised it to Filipino for our Filipino assignment. And so here it is. I'll publish the original version soon. Enjoy!)

“Hoy!” sigaw ni Anthony sabay hila kay Yesha palayo sa daan. Baka masagasaan ka’t mahiya ka na lang mamulot sa nakakalat mong utak sa kalsada.” Si Anthony na ngayon ang naglalakad sa tabi ng daan samantalang si Yesha ay ligtas na naglalakad sa tabi niya, malayo sa mga sasakyang kasingbilis ng kidlat kung tumakbo.
“Tonyo, tingnan mo!” sabi ni Yesha sabay palo sa likod ni Anthony. Merong maliit na tinda-tindahan ng mga palamuti sa katawan sa tabi ng daan. Lumapit sila doon.
“Maganda ‘to,” sabi ni Yesha hawakhawak ang isang kwentas na puno ng shell na para bang sa mga katutubo sa pelikulang Kingkong. Tinignan niya ang mga tinda doon—mga kwentas, singsing, pulseras at mga hikaw samantalang si Anthony ay patango-tango lamang sa bawat puring sinasabi ni Yesha. Alam naman niya kasing mahilig si Yesha tumingin ng mga tinda ngunit walang hilig itong bumili.
Lumipas ang ilang minuto’y ipinakita ni Yesha and dalawang pulseras—isang pink at isang itim. “Anong tingin mo?” tanong niya, “alin ang mas maganda?”
“Ewan ko,” sagot ni Anthony.
“Ano ka ba Tonyo, mula bata pa tayong magkaibigan pero hindi mo alam kung ano ang gusto ko! Walang kwenta kang kaibigan! Hindi mo man lang alam ang sagot ng simple kong tanong!”
“Wow, ang O.A. mo,” tawa ni Anthony sabay palakpak, “kilala kita, hindi ka sumusuot ng pulseras at sa tingin mo bakla ang pink.”
Tumawa silang dalawa at isinauli ni Yesha ang mga pulseras, sabay bulong, “Gusto ko lamang sumuot ng anumang pareho nating gusto.”
“Para sa inyong dalawa ‘ka mo?” tanong ng tindero. “Meron ako nyan dito.” Yumuko siyang may kinukuha sa ilalim ng mesa. “Para sa’yo at sa’yong B.F.” Ngumiti ang payat, matangad at nakakalbo nang tindero.
“Kung ang B.F. ay maaaring inisyal ng best friends,” wika ni Yesha.
“Oo nga, hindi kami kung anumang iniisip mo manong. Magkaibigan lang po kami,” paliwanag ni Anthony.
“Alam ko, sagot ng tindero, “ eto.” Inabot niya ang isang maliit na maitim na kahon.
Binuksan nila ito at sa loob ay dalawang simpleng singsing. Kinuha nila ito at tiningnang mabuti. Wala naman itong desinyo, ni-kintab. Wala talagang kaakit-akit nito. Nagtinginan silang dalawa.
Nang makita ng tindero ang kanilang expresyon, sabi niya, “Hindi man iyan kagandahan ngunit kung may pareho kayong singsing at panunumpa sa ‘yong kaibigan ay malalim ang kahulugan n’yan?”
“Oo, sumpa,” lininaw ng matanda, “Ang singsing na ito ang nagsisimbolo ng inyong pagkakaibigan.” Sa mga sandaling iyon ay sinubok nila ang mga singsing sa kanilang daliri. “Ang unang magtatangal sa kanyang singsing sa daliri ay mamalasin.”
“Salamat, pero ‘wag na lang po,” sabi ni Anthony sabay hubad sa singsing.
Nang munti ng matangal ang singsing sa kanyang daliri ay pinigilan siya ng tindero, “Hindi mo gugustuhing mamatay ngayong gabi, di ba?”
“OK lang ‘to Anthony,” sabi ni Yesha, “isuot mo ‘yan. Medyo maganda naman eh,” sabi niya habang nakatingin sa singsing sa kanyang daliri.
“Pero—” reklamo sana ni Anthony pero kumindat si Yesha sa kanya kaya’t binayaran na lang niya at umalis na silang dalawa. “Hindi ka naman naniniwala doon diba?” Tanong ni Anthony nang malayolayo na sila.
“Siyempre hindi ‘no! Pero alam kong naniniwala ka doon!” Tawa ni Yesha.
“Sige, sige,” sagot ni Anthony, “dahil hindi ako kasingtalino mo’y mapamahiin na ako.”
“Ang drama mo naman Tonyo!” tukso ni Yesha. “Naaawa lang ako sa tao. Gagawin niya’ng lahat para bumili tayo. Napakaseryoso nya’t baka ma-insulto siya kung hindi tayo maniniwala sa kanya o magpanggap man lamang,” paliwanag niya.
“Hahaha, ang bait mo na ah!” sabi ni Anthony at tinusok ng kanyang daliri si Yesha sa gilid.
Natahimik sila matapos tumawa. Ayon na naman sila, kahit na napakatagal na nilang magkaibigan ay may mga panahon pa ring naiilang sila sa isa’t isa. Kapag niyayakap na sila ng katahimikan ay napakahirap na para sa kanilang dalawa na makalabas nito at magsimula ng conversation.
“Anthony,” tawag ni Yesha, “sigurado kang ihahatid mo pa ako pauwi?”
“Ginagawa naman natin to palagi ah.”
“Oo nga pero natagalan tayo doon sa tindahan. Sa mga oras na ito’y nasa inyo ka na. Hinahanap ka na ng mommy mo.”
“Natagalan nga tayo, maghahating gabi na, kaya mas delikado kung mag-isa kang maglalakad.”
“Oi, may gusto ka talaga sa akin Tonyo!” tukso ni Yesha.
“Hahaha, ayaw ko lang mapatay ng mga magulang mo ‘no. Kung di lang nila ako kilala’y pababayaan talaga kita!”
Mga ilang sandali’y dumating na sila kina Yesha. Nakatayo sila sa labas ng gate na walang nagsasalita, ni-hindi naman sila nagtitinginan. Nakahawak na si Yesha sa gate pero hindi pa naman siya pumapasok samantalang si Anthony ay nakatalikod sa kanya pero hindi pa naman umaalis. Palalim na ang gabi’t tela wala naman talagang mangyayari sa kanila. Dapat may maglakas-loob nang magsalita upang matapos na ang nakakamatayng katahimikan. Binuksan ni Yesha ang gate at pumasok saka pa nag-umpisang maglakad si Anthony.
“Tonyo! Mag-ingat ka sa momo!” sigaw ni Yesha. Lumingon lamang si Anthony at ngumiti at nagpatuloy maglakad hanggang napakalayo na niya para makita ni Yesha. Dumiretso si Yesha sa kanyang kwarto at kinuha ang kanyang diary sa ilalim ng kama. Kumuha siya ng bolpen at huhubarin na sana ang singsing nang may tumawag sa kanyang selpon.
“Yesha, pumunta ka dito sa ospital,” iyak ng ina ni Anthony.
“Ano pong nangyari?”
“Si Anthony, nadisgrasya pauwi.”
Tumakbo si Yesha pababa ng bahay at nagpahatid ng kanyang ama sa ospital, sumama na rin ang kanyang ina. Pinatakbo ng napakabilis ng kanyang ama ang kotse hanggang sa pinakaligtas na kaya niya. Pagdating nila sa ospital ay agad siya nagtanong kung saan ang kwarto ni Anthony.
Nang matagpuan niya ang silid ay pumasok siya agad. Nagulat siyang makita ang lubos na hindi na makilalang hitsura ni Anthony—puno ng pasa, sugat at dugo.
“Mabuti ka lang ba?” Tanong ni Anthony kay Yesha.
“Ano ka ba Anthony, ako dapat ang mangumusta sa’yo,” sabi ni Yesha na pinipigilan ang mga luha.
“OK lang ako Yesha. Masaya akong makita ka,” sagot ni Anthony.
“’kala ko ba ‘Tonyo’ ang alam mong pangalan ko,” sabi niya at pinilit ang nasirang mga labi na ngumiti. “Eto ang singsing,” inabot niya ang singsing kay Yesha, “hinubad ko ng una para hindi ka mapahamak. Alam kong di ka naniniwala sa sinabi ng tao. Alam kong huhubarin mo ang singsing ngayong gabi para magsulat sa iyong diary. Alam kong di ka komportableng may singsing sa daliri habang nagsusulat.”
Hindi na napigilan pa ni Yesha ang pagdaloy ng maiinit na luha sa kanyang nanlalamig na pisngi. Sa unang pagkakatao’y naghawakan sila ng kamay ng napakahigpit. Ikinalulungkot ni Yeshang hindi niya maaaring mayakap ang kaibigan.
“Mahal kita Yesha,” bulong ni Anthony.
Ang sunod na nalaman ni Yesha’y hinila siya palabas ng silid at nagsitakbuhan ang mga doktor at nars sa palibot ng kanyang bespren.